What inspires you about being a business owner?
Owner: Nari (She/Her)
Since I don’t take authority very well, it really made me want to become my own business owner!
When I worked for other people, I was a receptionist at my mom’s hair salon from 16-18 years old, then I was a barista at starbucks, then I was a receptionist at another salon, then I work for a photography studio and then finally worked for another spa. Going through each of these phases, made me realize more and more that I needed to be on my own.
That way I would finally have the freedom to create the space, the art, the social media, the vibe, the EVERYTHING the way that I visioned it to be. It comes with a whole lot of hard work, drive, effort and tears but seeing your dreams come to life really fulfills your soul in ways that I cannot explain.
And that’s what inspires me and pushes me to be a small business owner!
What is a struggle you overcame?
what is one way you enjoy taking care of yourself outside of your business?
OOO I LOVE THIS. I have way more than one! My bi-weekly cupping appointments with B Well Brade, my 3 week nail appointments with @itwerkforglitter, my quarterly hair appointments with @hairmakeupsimone, my 3 times a week workouts with @megmfitness, my early morning coffee sessions with myself in my quiet apartment with the morning light peaking through my windows or just being able to take a CBD infused bath from @coloruptheraputics.

How do you currently help the local community?
I love being able to support fellow boss babes that I come across in my glow room or just through social media! Being able to create connections with locals throughout Colorado + just all over the States is something I truly love. I love being able to supplement a income because others are choosing to support my small business + then I love being able to use part of my income to give back + support others’ small business as well!
what's a gift you would recommend from your shop?
I would gift my Epic Glow Hydrafacial Treatment! It gives a babe everything they want — exfoliation, hydration, brightening of the skin, a more even complexion and of course, A GLOW!